Capstone Project Rubric, Requirements, and Timeline
Week 1 (Jan. 2, 2019): Identify Topic Area
Review MicroLesson Requirements
Identify Topic Area for your MicroLesson
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
For the capstone project, you get to identify the instructional need or training topic. It is important that you have ownership of the topic, that the course is something you want to create (intrinsic motivation). The topic area is up to you, just remember you want to identify a topic small enough, that you can deliver content in 4 – 6 hours a week and complete a summative assessment in 2 weeks, definitely no more than 3 weeks.
Week 2 (Jan. 9, 2019): Discussion of Instructional Problem
Write overview of the instructional problem your MicroLesson will solve; Identify the goal for the lesson and propose an authentic assessment (summative assessment) for the MicroLesson. Discussion of how learning theories influenced your design and why you are using that approach
Identify at least one Terminal Objective for MicroLesson.
Review Week 6 resources on Learning Theory and Assessments from LDT100x if necessary.
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
In your overview, describe the learning situation, who the potential learners will be (general idea of knowledge, skills, and abilities they will have prior entering the course) and the instructional need and identify the goals for the MicroLesson. Write your terminal objective for the MicroLesson as a whole. Your terminal objective should be based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of higher order thinking skill (HOTS) and written in measurable and observable terms.
Week 3 (Jan. 16, 2019): Enabling Objectives
Develop Scoring Rubric for Summative Assessment
Write enabling objectives for each week. Review for alignment that enabling objectives lead to terminal objective and ability to complete summative assessment.
Create concept map of weekly content required to meet enabling objectives.
Review Week 7 resources on Instructional Design models from LDT200x if necessary.
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
This week, you want to build on Week 2 work on your terminal objective by fleshing out what your summative assessment (authentic, performance-based assessment) will be and develop a scoring rubric to assess it. In addition to your performance assessment, you should identify enabling objectives (completed each week) and related content necessary for learners to successfully complete the assessment.
Week 4 (Jan. 23, 2019): Weekly Activities
Identify a list of discussion questions, activities and, or projects to meet weekly objectives.
Identify content needs, Open Educational Resources (OERs) and resources to support weekly activities.
Identify a list of digital media to be developed.
Review Week 8 resources on Designing Digital Media from LDT300x if necessary
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
Now begins the process of creating activities and projects that allow learners active engagement with identified course content. Think about how you are going to walk learners through your content, activities they might complete, formative assessments opportunities, what they might discuss to explore content, and projects they can create to demonstrate learning.
Week 5 (Jan. 30, 2019): LMS Shell
Identify a list of discussion questions, activities and, or projects to meet weekly objectives.
Identify Learning Management System (LMS) for your MicroLesson.
Begin creating course shell and adding content.
Schedule interview day and time during Week 8
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
In Week 5 we have made several suggestions of LMS you can choose, or you can feel free to conduct an Internet search to find an LMS you wish to use. Once you have identified the LMS you are planning on using for your course, set up the course shell. It is suggested you do this to get a “feel” for how the LMS will allow you to create pages, to insert text and images, and to organize your course content.
Week 6 (Feb. 6, 2019): Develop MicroLesson
Review MicroLesson requirements
Continue development of MicroLesson course
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
Continue using the outline document from Week 4 as you fully flesh out your course introduction, weekly introductions, content introductions, resources, discussions, activities, etc. As you can see you are developing content in your outline document.
You should also be identifying and inserting required course content.
After you have fully developed your course, share it with someone to review and edit. Review their feedback and once the edits and any suggested changes are complete, you should then go back and create your final course documents: the syllabus and timeline of activities.
Once your finish development, you should conduct your course self-evaluation. Take this as an opportunity to conduct your final critical review of your course and make any updates you deem necessary or required for the project. Also, take a few minutes to review the final scoring rubric. You still have week 7 to continue with your development and submit your final self-evaluation score.
Week 7 (Feb. 13, 2019): Develop MicroLesson
Continue development of MicroLesson course
Conduct course self-evaluation
Submit final score to instructional staff
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
Week 7, only one week left to develop and publish your MicroLesson. Continue working on your site. When you are satisfied you’ve met all requirements and your course is ready to go, you should conduct your final course self-evaluation. As you will see the self-evaluation is based on the OLC scorecard you reviewed in Week 4. Take this as an opportunity to conduct your final critical review of your course and update any areas you deem necessary. Be sure to submit your final score and form to instructional staff prior to your interview.
Week 8 (Feb. 20, 2019): Submit MicroLesson URL
Submit MicroLesson URL to instructional staff
Verified Learners: Attend scheduled Summative Proctored Interview
Complete Feedback Form
Verified Learners: Review Converting Credit and Registration for UMUC Learning Design & Technology Master’s program
Excerpt from The Capstone Project Timeline:
This, our final week together, if you have not done so yet, please submit your course URL in the Week 8 MicroLesson section. Also, this week you will be involved in your MicroMaster’s MicroLesson interview. As verified learners in the Instructional Design & Technology MicroMasters will be required to participate in a proctored interview. The interview is a short, 10-minute reflection and discussion with instructional staff on your MicroLesson design, the process used to create your MicroLesson and what would you do differently. Your Interview must be completed prior to the end of Week 8 but can be scheduled as early as Week 6. During Week 5 you can begin to schedule your Interview day and time. Below is general information about your interview.
The interview is really a discussion of your thoughts and opinions around instructional design and your approach to creating your course. Discussion questions can be from any of the four courses of the MicroMaster’s program. Generally, the instructor will inquire about your MicroLesson design and content, your philosophy or approach for designing learning experiences, ideas regarding learning theory, design and technology for active engagement how that influences design.
Your interview is the culminating activity for the MicroMaster’s program! If you are this far, you are ready for it. Be proud of all your hard work and accomplishments. “See” you at the interview!