Week 7: Author Tools: Interactive eLearning
Activity: Storyboard and Interactive Video
This module focused on authoring tools for instructional designers. Review the e-learning author tools presented in this module. You can use one of these free authoring tools or search online for another tool you prefer.
Identify a learning objective or instructional need and create an e-learning module of at least 5 scenes/slides to fill that need. You do not need to purchase software for this assignment, there are free trial versions available for you to choose from. Develop your module and post a discussion of your instructional need / objective, your module URL and a 3 - 5 sentence reflection on how your module supports your objective.
Post the assignment to the forum using the “Add a Post” option. If you can copy and paste into the forum, please do so. You can also consider alternative document posting via Google document or other resolutions you may have used to post assignment deliverables.
Published Work: ​
Learning/ Instructional Goal:
One of the elements of being able to communicate compassionately as a leader is to be able to link Feelings with the Needs that drive those feelings.
Learning Objective:
Given the video module on Feelings, the video module on Needs, and an interactive Smart Sparrow module, participants will be able to determine someone's feelings and its respective need by watching a video clip and evaluating what the character's feelings and needs might be (Blooms Taxonomy Level 5: Evaluate)
To the exercise:
Use this link
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Use this password to log in:
To restart the lesson:​
Click on the History button at the bottom of the screen​
Click on Restart Lesson