Week 8: Portfolio Design & Signature Assessment
Activity 1: Developing a Portfolio
In IDT 100x Instructional Design: Learning Theories you created a portfolio shell and have been adding content throughout the program. For this course you will either update your portfolio or create a new one with your newly designed digital content from this course along with your Digital Media Checklist review and rationale for how it supports content development. You can create a separate page for your content, create multiple pages, or have a new site, that is up to you. Your content must be published and available online for your Signature Assignment to be considered submitted. Your portfolio is a work in progress, so do not feel it needs to be perfect. It is an opportunity to learn, to practice, to apply ideas from the program in a safe, environment and it will grow and evolve into a demonstration of your skills as a designer.
So, what are some of your options for development? There are many free, easy-to-use tools available online. Many are template-driven and provide online tutorials as a way for you to get started creating your own website. Here are a few popular examples you might consider using, or you can conduct an online search for one of your own. Explore and review the different free options, pick a template (these are usually available in the site you choose to create your portfolio), add your name, bio and content from this course as listed in the Signature Assignment. Also you begin your portfolio, it is important to add a Creative Commons license.
Wix: http://www.wix.com
Google Sites: https://sites.google.com
Weebly: https://www.weebly.com
WordPress: https://wordpress.com
As you begin development, be sure to review the Signature Assignment for requirements. All verified learners are required to complete a portfolio for this course.
Activity 2: Signature Assessment
The signature assignment is not due until the end of the course and should be submitted during week eight, no later than December 16, 2018 at 11:59 PM UTC (or 5:59pm CT). This information serves as a preview to give you added time for planning and preparation of this assignment. Apply the theories, strategies, and skills learned during this course to design and create digital content for a specific learning experience. This project will combine elements from the 100x Learning Theories course and 200x Instructional Design models course, so feel free to go back and review those courses to refresh your memory on the content.
In this project, you are being asked to design an online learning experience. You will identify a ‘learning gap’ or instructional need and then identify or create specific digital media to support content knowledge development to overcome the gap. Your Signature Assignment will include:
Statement of the learning gap (instructional need) that your developed content will help overcome. You can have one identified learning gap (instructional need) that covers all digital media you edit or create, or you can identify different learning gaps / instructional needs that change with each digital media project you create for 300x. You will need to submit:
Description of an instructional strategy on how the content can be infused into a learning experience.
Development of the following digital content:
Digital document (eBook, infographic, interactive text)
Original digital video (2-3 minutes in length) published online with closed captioning (non-auto generated). Your video can be a screencast or mash up (splicing together) of other Creative Commons licensed work you edited / enhanced to create an original work
Enhanced Digital Images (at least 2 images) that you have created or edited in some manner. identify how you've enhanced the images
Interactive (adaptive type) module
Identify at least two Open Educational Resources to support identified content
Label your media with a Creative Commons license (student have a choice on which level of rights to allow or to retain all rights)
Apply your updated Digital Media Checklist created in week 1 to each of your digital media, provide the overview of findings and describe in a short statement or rationale why each digital media artifact will support content development or your lesson.
Update your portfolio with your newly designed digital content from this course along with your Digital Media Checklist review and rationale for how it supports content development. You have autonomy on how you present your portfolio design. For example, you can create a separate page for your content, create multiple pages, or have a new site, that is up to you. Your content must be published and available online for your 300x Signature Assignment to be considered submitted. Please post the URL for your portfolio that contains all requirements listed in Part I in the Signature Assignment Submission discussion thread prior to the end of Week 8. No late work will be accepted after the end of the course.
Published Work: https://ccslish.wixsite.com/idt300x
Published Work: ​
Learning Gap:
One of the elements of being able to communicate compassionately as a leader is to be able to distinguish Observations from Interpretations.
Learning Objectives:
Given the video module on Observations vs. Interpretations and an interactive Smart Sparrow module, participants will be able to distinguish an observation from an interpretation by classifying four statements as either an observation or an interpretation (Blooms Taxonomy Level 5: Evaluate)
Given the video module on Observations vs. Interpretations, an interactive Smart Sparrow module, and the Discussion Worksheet handout, participants will be able to change an interpretation into an observation by changing three interpretation statements in preparation for class discussion (Blooms Taxonomy Level 6: Create).
Instructional Strategy:
The instructional strategy is to deliver the bulk of the Observations lesson content via a digital video, supported by enhanced images. An exercise for comprehension will be done after the video to measure understanding (Blooms Taxonomy 5: Evaluate), followed by a slightly harder exercise in-class where learners take statements that are interpretations and rewrite them into more objective observations. A digital document is provided (handout) which learners will use to write their answers in preparation for classroom discussion. The handout also restates tips that were mentioned in the digital video.
Digital Content:
Original digital video, enhanced digital images, interactive module, digital document
Click the image below to see the digital media checklist for each digital item, the Creative Commons licenses, and why these items support the development of lesson content.
At Least Two OERs that Support Identified Content:
Fact vs. Opinion: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/fact-vs-opinion
Observations & Interpretations: Engaging Students in Classroom Experiments: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/observations-interpretations-engaging-students-in-classroom-experiments
The Art of Observation: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/the-art-of-observation
Case Notes: Find examples of effective use of Fact, Evidence, Assessment and Opinion: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/case-notes-find-examples-of-effective-use-of-fact-evidence-assessment-and-opinion
To the exercise:
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To view/download the Discussion worksheet:
Use this link or this link.